«Like a ship that leverages its moorings to a sheltered harbor, like a hug before disappearing into other lands’ belly, as a “goodbye” that remaining on the lips, like a good omen. I imagine I imagine every concert of the tour of “Cosmonauta Da Appartamento” (Cosmonaut Of Apartment)»: with these words Joe Barbieri tells us about the live version of his latest album dedicated to the theme of travel. And just as the cd, even its live version promises to be centered on the goings and on the returns, through the choice of a repertoire that saves the same eternal melancholy and the same indomitable hope of those who live perpetually suspended on a goodbye.
In the expected songlist there are many of the tunes – some in a new version – that made Joe Barbieri a so loved artist by the public of many countries, as well as a substantial part of the songs belonging to the new project. Plus some surprises, especially prepared for the new tour.